Oh man, that gotta be THE BEST way someone interpreted the Unknown. Hell yes.
Yay! I love being really bold with art style and composition!
Real hot dog
real pig snouts inside
Cholera, dropsy, varicose veins, scurvy, E. coli, parasites of all kinds, etc. in short, they have the whole set!
Yo Champ sounds fun d00d
He’s my favorite out of the two.
Dude, DAMN
How did you made it look real?
It took me a hot minute and a lot of experimenting.
hard dudes
they better be.
merry chriztmus
Man, i should start doing some drawings there but more and more i feel demotivated and idk why, feeling jelaous lol
I do it more because I want to keep on practicing and don't lose the muscle memory and I want to do something besides characters that are from an established company too
you should totally find a reason to do so and have fun while at it!
Wish to make cool animations.
And have a Pizza.
Mexico, Oaxaca
Joined on 4/28/21