N a vidaddd!!!
(Vi tu post en Twitter xd)
N a vidaddd!!!
(Vi tu post en Twitter xd)
Asu, no sabía que te habías metido en el tema de Wiwichus. Tremendo.
Son tan preciosos! Me sentí que debía!
(Wow, I have not practiced Spanish in way too long. That was “They’re so cute! I felt like I had to!” in case I translated wrong.)
OKEY, okey no esperaba que usarías se inspiración su arte.
La chile si me sorprendiste de más-
una grata sorpresa, espero! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Oh man, this goes ABSOLUTELY HARD AF
i'm sure it would be just as hard if it was a game!
Thank uuu
Why the neck is sever lmao
Was meant to be like a "cut here" kinda thing but now I realize I could've literally put cut lines to communicate that better. Classic whimsical wife fumble!
ngl, this is cute
Awe thanks!
Efectivamente un momento No mms
dobabes propaganda
Solo topo a Butterthights, creo que la antepenultima es M-Kirbs, y ultimo estan esa peque que no me acuerdo como se llama y... Ya nomas.
muy buen intento ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
Oh man
Oh, this is hella cute
Thank you! :]
Wish to make cool animations.
And have a Pizza.
Mexico, Oaxaca
Joined on 4/28/21